Solved Paper Traffic Inspector Exam 2021 [Post Code 819]– HPSSC Hamirpur

 Solved Paper Traffic Inspector Exam 2021 [Post Code 819]– HPSSC Hamirpur

1. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters using each letter ‘ENAL’ only once in each word?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

2. The Armed Forces of which country participated in the Republic Day Parade of India in the year 2021?

  1. Nepal
  2. Bangladesh
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Bhutan

3. Which country recently signed an order to allow transgender persons to serve in Military roles ?

  1. Singapore
  2. United States
  3. New Zealand
  4. India

4. Which organisation released the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2021′?

  1. World Bank
  2. United Nations
  3. International Monetary Fund
  4. Asian Development Bank

5. Which Indian State has recently launched a new initiative named ‘Jail tourism’?

  1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Gujarat
  4. West Bengal

6. The Union Budget Mobile application has been recently developed by which Institution?

  1. National Informatics Centre
  2. Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
  3. Department of Telecommunications
  4. None of these

7. The World Health Organization (WHO) has collaborated recently with which company to distribute Covid Vaccines under Covax alliance?

  1. Pfizer
  2. Roche
  3. Merck
  4. Johnson & Johnson

8. Mohammed Ishtaye, which was in news recently is the Prime Minister of which country?

  1. Palestine
  2. Israel
  3. Peru
  4. Argentina

9. Toshali National Crafts Mela’ was recently organised in which State/UT?

  1. Odisha
  2. Bihar
  3. Uttarakhand
  4. Andhra Pradesh

10. Who is the author of recently published book titled “The Making of Aadhar: World’s Largest Identity Platform’ ?

  1. Nandan Nilekani
  2. A.K. Sikri
  3. Kris Gopalakrishnan
  4. None of these

11. Which country was in focus at the 51” International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa ?

  1. France
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Russia
  4. Bangladesh

12. Total geographical area under forest in HP is:

  1. 37,033km 2
  2. 39,343 km2
  3. 41,567 km2
  4. 43,343 km2

13. Kot and Bandla Dhar are located in which district of H.P.?

  1. Bilaspur
  2. Hamirpur
  3. Kangra
  4. Mandi

14. Tundah Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which district of H.P.?

  1. Chamba
  2. Una
  3. Kullu
  4. Shimla

15. Dehar is a tributary of which river of H.P.?

  1. Chenab
  2. Satluj
  3. Ravi
  4. None of these

16. Rupa Valley is in which district of Himachal Pradesh?

  1. Sirmour
  2. Solan
  3. Kinnaur
  4. None of these

17. Bhunda festival is celebrated in which district of HP?

  1. Lahaul-Spiti
  2. Mandi
  3. Una
  4. None of these

18. Gochi festival is celebrated in which district of HP?

  1. Kangra
  2. Kullu
  3. Mandi
  4. None of these

19.  Rani Khairgarhi belonged to which district of H.P.

  1. Chamba
  2. Kangra
  3. Sirmour
  4. Mandi

20. Garhkuffar lake is located in which district of H.P.

  1. Shimla
  2. Kinnaur
  3. Lahaul-Spiti
  4. Una

21. First Governor General to visit Shimla was:

  1. Lord Mayo
  2. Lord Dalhousie
  3. Lord Curzon
  4. Lord Amherst

22. First private university of H.P. is

  1. Jaypee University of Information
  2. Etemal University
  3. Chitkara University
  4. Armi University

23. Dalhousie was founded in which year?

  1. 1850 AD
  2. 1860 AD
  3. 1870 AD
  4. 1880 AD

24. Sirmauri Tal fort is located at which place in H.P. ?

  1. Rajgarh
  2. Renuka
  3. Sangrah
  4. Paonta Sahib (Near Nahan)

25. Which is popularly known as ‘Land of Grapes’?

  1. Bharmaur
  2. Pangi
  3. Kaza
  4. Ribba

26. Ardhnarishwar Temple is located at which place in H.P. ?

  1. Manali
  2. Mandi
  3. Nahan
  4. Nalagarh

27. Theog dominion was founded by

  1. Jai Chand
  2. Deep Chand
  3. Karam Chand
  4. Hem Chand

28. Bhuri Singh Museum was founded in which year?

  1. 1904 AD
  2. 1906 AD
  3. 1908 AD
  4. 1910 AD

29. Territorial Council was abolished in which year in H.P. ?

  1. 1956 AD
  2. 1957 AD
  3. 1960 AD
  4. 1963 AD

30. Which is the executing agency of Uhl-III hydroelectric project of H.P.?

  1. HPSEB
  2. BBMB
  3. SJVNL
  4. NHPC

31. Karthi is a folk dance of which district of HP?

  1. Kullu 
  2. Chamba
  3. Kangra
  4. Hamirpur

Directions : (Q. 32 to 36): Choose the correctly spelt word out of the four given alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D) to fill in the blanks.


  1. Trafic
  2. trafik
  3. traffic
  4. traffic


  1. maneger
  2. manager
  3. manejar
  4. manajer


  1. vehicle
  2. vehicel
  3. vehikal
  4. vehikel


  1. Signel
  2. b.Seegnal
  3. Signnel
  4. Signal


  1. Police
  2. Pulice
  3. Poolice
  4. Polise

Directions : (Q. 37 to 41 ): Choose the most appropriate option out of the four given alternatives (A), (B), (C), and (D) to fill in the blanks.

37. Washing machines ……………… popular in India in the last ten years or so.

  1. Became
  2. are become
  3. have become
  4. are becoming

38. The ruling party will have to put its own house ………………….. order.

  1. into
  2. to
  3. in
  4. on

39. More than twenty years have now passed ……………. I had my first flight.

  1. after
  2. while
  3. when
  4. since

40. Have you finished reading the book? No, I am ……………. in the middle of it.

  1. already
  2. still
  3. yet
  4. till

41. Genius does what it must, and talent does what it……………………..

  1. can
  2. would
  3. may
  4. should

Directions : (Q. 42 to 46 ): Choose the most appropriate word out of four alternatives a,b,c and d which best conveys the meaning of the given expressions.

42. A person who enters without any invitation.

  1. burglar
  2. intruder
  3. thief
  4. vandal

43. A slow-witted and incompetent person

  1. nigger
  2. dud
  3. snotty
  4. duffer

44. A speech by an actor at the end of a play .

  1. epilogue
  2. monologue
  3. duologue
  4. prologue

45. A small piece of wood

  1. splinter
  2. crumb
  3. scrap
  4. chip

46. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet.

  1. horizon
  2. zenith
  3. fringe
  4. plinth

निर्देश (प्र47  से 51 ) शुद्धशब्दचुनिए:


  1. ज्येष्ठी
  2. ज्यैष्ठी
  3. ज्येष्टी
  4. जैसथि


  1. क्षीतीज
  2. क्षीतिज
  3. क्षितीज
  4. क्षितिज़


  1. निरन्त
  2. नीरनतर
  3. निरंतर
  4. नीरतर


  1. मसतक
  2. मस्क
  3. मसतक
  4. मस्तक


  1. दृष्टि
  2. दृस्टी
  3. द्रिष्टि
  4. द्रिष्टी

52. ‘पधांश’  में समास है

  1. तत्पुरुष
  2. अव्यईभाव
  3. दन्त
  4. बहुब्रीहि

53. ‘भवनका संधि विछेद है

  1. + अन्न
  2. भै+ ान
  3. भो + ान
  4. भे + ान

54. ‘कुल्हाड़ीका तत्सम शब्द है

  1. घोटक
  2. सप्तक
  3. मक्षिका
  4. कुठार

55. ‘देशजशब्दहै

  1. ईमानदारी
  2. कदम
  3. मजेदार
  4. अपील

56. ‘क्रोधका बहुबचन है

  1. क्रोधी
  2. क्रोधो
  3. क्रोध
  4. क्रोधि

57. ‘भारकी भावाचक संज्ञा है

  1. भारी
  2. भारीपन
  3. भारि
  4. भारिपन

58. जहरका विशेषण है

  1. जहरीला
  2. जहरिला
  3. जहरी
  4. जहरि

59. ‘अहंकारकापर्यावाचीहै

  1. दर्प
  2. तिमिर
  3. पाहुन
  4. आमोद

60. घर दबानामुहावरे का अर्थ

  1. पकड़ कर भूमि पर पटक देना
  2. अभिमान करना
  3. लज़्ज़ित होना
  4. भूमि पर पटक देना

61. ‘छाती के बल चलने वालाकेलिए एक उपयुक्त शब्द है

  1. ऊसर
  2. उपकृत
  3. उरग
  4. अथाह

62. The Indus Valley people worshipped

  1. Mother Goddess
  2. Indra
  3. Varuna
  4. Mitra

63. The Rigveda consists of how many hymns?

  1. 1008
  2. 1028
  3. 1108
  4. 1224

64. Gautama Buddha was brought up by

  1. Mayadevi
  2. Sangamitra
  3. Mahaprajapati
  4. Kundavi

65. Who among the following accepted Jainism?

  1. Bindusara
  2. Ajatashatru
  3. Chandragupta Maurya
  4. Pulakesin

66. Who was not a Saka ruler?

  1. Rudradaman
  2. Menander
  3. Sodasa
  4. Nahapana

67. Which was not a kingdom in ancient India?

  1. Avanti
  2. Vatsa
  3. Hampi
  4. Kosala

68. In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular?

  1. Sind
  2. Deccan
  3. In & around Delhi
  4. Bihar

69. Satvahanas belonged to

  1. Andhra region
  2. Konkan region
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Kalinga

70. Babar won the Battle of Panipat mainly because of

  1. His cavalry
  2. His military skill
  3. Tulughma system
  4. Afghan’s disunity

71. Which Sikh Guru laid the foundation of the city of Amritsar?

  1. Guru Nanak
  2. Guru Ramdas
  3. Guru ArjunDev
  4. Guru Gobind Singh

72. Who succeeded Mir Jafar?

  1. Haider Ali
  2. Chanda Sahib
  3. Tipu Sultan
  4. Mir Kasim

73. Gandhara School of art laid the foundation of the city of Amritsar?

  1. Guru Nanak
  2. Guru Ramadas
  3. Guru ArjunDev
  4. Guru Gobind Singh

74. Fatehpur Sikri was founded by

  1. Akbar
  2. Babar
  3. Humayun
  4. Jahangir

75. Who was the author of ‘HumayunNama’?

  1. Gulbadan Begum
  2. Humayun
  3. Faizi
  4. Abul Fazal

76. Chengiz Khan was a

  1. Turk
  2. Mongol
  3. Persian
  4. Afghan

77. Al Hilal newspaper was started by

  1. Abul Kalam Azad
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Mohammad Ali
  4. Syed Ahmed Khan

78. The slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ was first raised by

  1. LokmanyaTilak
  2. Veer Savarkar
  3. Chandrashekhar Azad
  4. Bhagat Singh

79. Uplift of the backwards classes was the main programme of the

  1. Arya Samaj
  2. Ramakrishna Mission
  3. PrarthanaSamaj
  4. Satyashodhak Samaj

80. Vallabhbhai Patel was born at

  1. Borsad
  2. Baroda
  3. Ahmedabad
  4. Nadiad

81. The Rowlatt act led to

  1. Communal riots in Bengal
  2. Massacre at Amritsar
  3. Social legislation in Madras
  4. None of these

82. Which of the following describes India as a secular state?

  1. Fundamental Rights
  2. Ninth Schedule
  3. Directive Principles
  4. Preamble to the Constitution

83. One-third of the members of the RajyaSabha retire after every:

  1. One year
  2. Second year
  3. Third year
  4. Fifth year

84. The legislative powers are vested in the

  1. President
  2. Parliament
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Governor

85. The age of retirement of the Judges of the High court is

  1. 62
  2. 65
  3. 60
  4. None of these

86. In which year were the first general elections held in India?

  1. 1947-48
  2. 1948-49
  3. 1950-51
  4. 1951-52

87. Total number of schedules now in the Indian Constitution is

  1. 8
  2. 10
  3. 12
  4. 14

88. The state has the largest population of Scheduled castes is

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Bihar
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. Rajasthan

89. The president of the USA is elected after every

  1. 3 year
  2. 4 year
  3. 5 year
  4. 6 year

90. Which is regarded as the guardian of the Constitution of India?

  1. The Parliament
  2. The Attorney General
  3. The Supreme Court
  4. The President

91. Who is elected by the single–transferable vote method in India?

  1. Speaker of LokSabha
  2. Chief Minister
  3. President
  4. Prime Minister

92. Which is presided by a non- Member?

  1. Rajya Sabha
  2. Lok Sabha
  3. Vidhan Sabha
  4. None of these

93. Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?

  1. V.K. Sundaram
  2. Swaminathan
  3. Sukumar Sen
  4. GV. Mavlankar

94. From which language, has the term ‘democracy’ been derived?

  1. Greek
  2. Hebrew
  3. English
  4. Latin

95. Who has termed Constitution a sacred document?

  1. B.R. Ambedkar
  2. MK. Gandhi
  3. LalaLajpatRai
  4. Sardar Patel

96. The joint sitting of both houses of parliament is presided over by

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Lok Sabha Speaker
  4. None of these

97. If there is no sun, the colour of the sky would be

  1. Orange
  2. Blue
  3. Yellow
  4. None of these

98. The ‘Sea of Tranquillity is on

  1. Jupiter
  2. Uranus
  3. Earth
  4. Moon

99. The local time of a place is known with reference to its

  1. Distance from the capital city
  2. Height above the sea level
  3. Latitudinal position
  4. L0ongitudinal position

100. In the southern hemisphere, the westerlies blow from

  1. North
  2. Northeast
  3. North West
  4. South East

101. The core of the earth is also known as

  1. Lithosphere
  2. Mesosphere
  3. Barysphere
  4. Centrosphere

102. The Volcanic region ‘Ring of Fire’ surrounds

  1. Indian Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Pacific Ocean

103. Which is a cold ocean current?

  1. Gulf stream
  2. Kuroshio current
  3. Brazil Current
  4. Benguela Current

104. Which is a tropical grassland?

  1. Savanna
  2. Velds
  3. Prairies
  4. Pampas

105. Negroes of South-West Africa are called

  1. Niggers
  2. Blacks
  3. Hottentots
  4. Pygmies

106. Namibia is the new name of

  1. Cambodia
  2. Zaire
  3. Rhodesia
  4. South-west Africa

107. Which is an archipelago?

  1. Burma
  2. Malaysia
  3. Philippines
  4. Vietnam

108. The world’s longest river is

  1. Nile
  2. Ganges
  3. Amazon
  4. Mississippi-Missouri

109. Khyber pass is in which country?

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Bhutan
  3. India
  4. Pakistan

110. Gondwana hills are located in which state?

  1. Bangladesh
  2. Bhutan
  3. India
  4. Pakistan

111. Tungabhadra is a tributary of which river?

  1. Mahanadi
  2. Narmada
  3. Tapti
  4. Krishna

112. Which city has the longest day in the month of June?

  1. Delhi
  2. Kolkata
  3. Chennai
  4. Bangaluru

113. Ranthambore is famous for

  1. Tiger
  2. Elephant
  3. Rhinoceros
  4. Panther

114. Srisailam hydroelectric project is on the river

  1. Sharavati
  2. Tungabhadra
  3. Krishna
  4. Cauvery

115. Operation Flood’ is related to

  1. Flood control
  2. Dairy development
  3. Fisheries
  4. None of these

116. The headquarters of ONGC is situated at

  1. Dehradun
  2. Mumbai
  3. Chennai
  4. Kolkata

117. Barter transactions mean

  1. Goods are exchanged with goods
  2. Coins are exchanged for goods
  3. Money acts as a medium
  4. Private ownership

118. Stagflation is defined as

  1. Low inflation, low growth, low unemployment
  2. High inflation, low growth, high unemployment
  3. High inflation, high  growth, high unemployment
  4. None of these

119. Gross National Product means

  1. Gross value of raw materials
  2. Gross value of finished goods
  3. Money values of the total national production for any given period.
  4. None of these

120. Which is related to banking reform?

  1. Narasimahan committee
  2. C. Gupta Committee
  3. Charkavarti Committee
  4. KelkarCmmittee

121. Which is not a quantitative credit control measure of a Central Bank?

  1. Bank Rate Policy
  2. Open Market Operations
  3. Cash Reserve Ratio
  4. Moral suasion

122. Corporation tax is a tax imposed on

  1. The net incomes of the companies
  2. The corporate properties
  3. The utilities provided by the corporation
  4. None of these

123. What is the full form of FDI?

  1. Foreign Direct Input
  2. Fiscal Direct Investment
  3. Foreign Direct Investment
  4. Fiscal Direct Input

124. To achieve economic self-reliance was the main objective of which five-year plan?

  1. Third Five Year Plan
  2. Fourth Five Year Plan
  3. Fifth Five Year Plan
  4. Sixth Five Year Plan

125. Which is also regarded as Disguised unemployment?

  1. Underemployment
  2. Frictional unemployment
  3. Seasonal unemployment
  4. Cyclical unemployment

126. The capital of IMF is made up by the contribution of

  1. Member Nations
  2. Credit
  3. Deficit financing
  4. Borrowings

127. ‘Price Index’ is measured by the change in

  1. Purchasing Power of Money
  2. Living Standard
  3. Balance of Payment
  4. Balance of Trade

128. Bamboo is a type of

  1. Herb
  2. Shrub
  3. Grass
  4. None of these

129. Which is the highest source of protein?

  1. Sunflower
  2. Soybean
  3. Grams
  4. Wheat

130. Which fruit has its seed outside?

  1. Strawberry
  2. Banana
  3. Cashew Nut
  4. Groundnut

131. The International Year of Biodiversity was

  1. 1990
  2. 2000
  3. 2010
  4. 2020

132. The largest source of pollution in the world is

  1. Herbicides and insecticides
  2. Automobile exhausts
  3. Sewage and garbage
  4. Industrial effluents

133. Washing of peeled vegetables removes which vitamin?

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin D
  4. Vitamin E

134. How many times does the heartbeat approximately in a minute in humans?

  1. 25 times
  2. 40 times
  3. 72 times
  4. 96 times

135. Teeth and Bones acquire strength and rigidity from

  1. Calcium
  2. Fluorine
  3. Chlorine
  4. Sodium

136. Which is known as Master Gland?

  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Adrenal Gland
  3. Thyroid Gland
  4. Parathyroid

137. Rabies is a

  1. Bacterial disease
  2. Fungal disease
  3. Protozoan disease
  4. Viral disease

138. Ice is packed in sawdust because

  1. Sawdust does not stick to the ice.
  2. Of sawdust, it will not get melt easily.
  3. Sawdust is a good conductor of heat.
  4. Sawdust is a poor conductor of heat.

139. When a stone is thrown in the calm water of a pond waves produced are

  1. Longitudinal wave
  2. Transverse wave
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of these

140. Sun appears red in colour during sunrise and sunset due to

  1. The fact that the sun emits only red colour at that time
  2. Red light having longer wavelength scatters away.
  3. The fact that all other colour scatter away except red.
  4. None of these

141. Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins used to find prey, predators or obstacles?

  1. Refraction of sound
  2. Formation of beats
  3. Scattering of sound
  4. Echo

142. The swing of a spinning cricket ball in the air can be explained on the bases of

  1. Sudden change in wind direction
  2. Buoyancy of air
  3. Turbulence caused by wind
  4. None of these

143. A flying jet possesses

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Kinetic energy
  3. Wind energy
  4. Both a and b

144. Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the filament of an electric bulb because

  1. It is a good conductor
  2. It is economical
  3. It is malleable
  4. It has a very high melting point

145. Vegetables are cooked in lesser time by adding a pinch of salt while cooking because

  1. The boiling point of water increase
  2. Latent heat of vaporization of water decreases
  3. Latent heat of vaporization of water increase
  4. The boiling point of water decreases

146. Vinegar is the common name of

  1. Acetic acid
  2. Hydrochloric acid
  3. Citric acid
  4. Oxalic acid

147. the pH of the human blood is

  1. slightly acidic
  2. highly acidic
  3. slightly basic
  4. highly basic

148. Which is the purest commercial form of iron?

  1. Pig iron
  2. Steel
  3. Stainless Steel
  4. Wrought iron

149. Which gas is used as a fire extinguisher?

  1. Carbon dioxide
  2. Carbon monoxide
  3. Sulphur dioxide
  4. Nitrogen

150. What is washing soda?

  1. Aluminium bicarbonate
  2. Sodium bicarbonate
  3. Aluminium sulphate
  4. Sodium carbonate

151. Which gas is used to destroy the microbes?

  1. Chlorine
  2. Oxygen
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Neon

152. The brain of any computer system is

  1. ALU
  2. Memory
  3. CPU
  4. Control Unit

153. The QWERTY Keyboard

  1. Is the most popular keyboard
  2. Is the fastest keyboard
  3. Is a keyboard that is rarely used
  4. All of these

154. Which is a collection of information saved as a unit?

  1. File
  2. Folder
  3. Path
  4. File extension

155. Which is not a valid version of MS Office?

  1. Office 95
  2. Office 97
  3. Office 99
  4. Office 2000

156. To activate office assistant in MS- Word clicks at ……….

  1. Tools
  2. View
  3. Insert
  4. Help

157. In MS-Word usage of AutoCorrect and Auto Text is restricted to

  1. Current page
  2. Current document
  3. All the opened document
  4. Both A and B

158. In MS-Word, to get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the………….. menu

  1. Tools
  2. Table
  3. Format
  4. Insert

159. Each line represents how many letters are in Wordstar?

  1. 65
  2. 70
  3. 80
  4. 85

160. ……………. is a family of styles such as Arial, Geneva, ModernEct.

  1. Format
  2. Font face
  3. Form letter
  4. Form

161. To print a document, press …………. Key then press enter.

  1. Shift + P
  2. Ctrl + P
  3. Alt + P
  4. Esc +P

162. In a certain code language, the word ‘EXORDIUM’ is written as ‘QXKEVRZF’. How will the word ‘IDEATION’ be written in that language?

  4. None of these

163. Ravi walks 10 km towards the North. From there, he walks 6 km towards the South, then he walks 3 km towards the East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point?

  1. 5 km west
  2. 5 km North-East
  3. 7 Km East
  4. 7 Km North- West

164. The day after tomorrow is my birthday. On the same day, next week falls Rakshabandhan. Today is Monday. What will be the day after Rakshabandhan?

  1. Tuesday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Thursday
  4. Friday

165. In a class, Smita is 6th from the top and Harsha is 18th from the bottom. Mangesh is 14 Ranks below Smita and 15 ranks above Harsha. How many students are there in the class?

  1. 52
  2. 53
  3. 54
  4. 55

166. Pointing to a photograph Arun Said, “She is the mother of my brother’s son’s wife’s daughter”. How is Arun related to the lady?

  1. Cousin
  2. Aunt
  3. Daughter-in – law
  4. None of these

167. Monday falls on 4th April 1988. What was the day on 3rd November 1987?

  1. Tuesday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Sunday
  4. Monday

168. ‘BF’ is related to ‘DH’ in the same way as ‘PS’ is related to which of the following?

  1. SU
  2. SV
  3. RV
  4. RU

169. Command : Order :: Confusion : ?

  1. Discipline
  2. Problem
  3. Chaos
  4. Clarity

170. Which letter is 8th to the left or seventh letter from the right in the English alphabet series?

  1. O
  2. A
  3. L
  4. K


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