Solved Paper JOA (IT) 2021 – CSKHPKV Palampur

 Solved Paper JOA (IT) 2021 – CSKHPKV Palampur

1. Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia webpages

  1. COBOL
  2. JAVA
  3. BASIC
  4. Assembler

2. The first mechanical computer Designed by Charles Babbage was called ……………………

  1. Super Computer
  2. Abacus
  3. Calculator
  4. Analytical Engine

3. 1 mega byte is equal to

  1. 1024 bytes
  2. 1024 kilo bytes
  3. 1000 giga bits
  4. 1000 bits

4. ……………………………… are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet

  1. IP Address
  2. Domains
  3. Protocol
  4. Gateway

5. Which of the following word processor came first?

  1. Word perfect
  2. Word Star
  3. Lotus Notes
  4. MS Word

6. Which of these is not an MS Office web service ?

  1. Com
  2. One Drive
  3. Drop box
  4. Delve

7. How many colour dots make up one colour pixel on a screen

  1. 265
  2. 16
  3. 8
  4. 3

8. Which of the following network protocol is used to send –e-mail?

  1. STP
  2. SSH
  3. POP3
  4. SMTP

9. What is full form of PNG?

  1. Portable Natural Graphics
  2. Portable Network graph
  3. Pretty Network Graphics
  4. Portable Network graphics

10. What is the shortcut key to close active document in Microsoft word ?

  1. Ctrl+ F4
  2. Shift +F
  3. Ctrl+shift+F4
  4. Ctrl +D

11. In MS Excel, which two keys must be pressed to enter multiple lines of text in one cell

  1. Alt + Enter
  2. Ctrl+ Enter
  3. Shift + Enter
  4. Shift + Tab

12. Which of the following is not an operating System

  1. Unix
  2. Linux
  3. Android
  4. Java

13. Which of the following is also known as data set

  1. File
  2. Field
  3. Module
  4. Record

14. The output of the statement print (‘%2f, 11.1234) is

  1. 12
  2. 1234
  3. 23
  4. 11

15. Data type ‘int’ contain bytes?

  1. 10
  2. 4
  3. 1
  4. 2

16. Which escape sequence is used for beep

  1. /b
  2. /a
  3. /t
  4. /n

17. What is the function of ‘Form’ in MS Access

  1. Change existing data
  2. Add new data
  3. View one record at a time
  4. All

18. Making some changes in the data of the existing file or adding more data is called

  1. Editing
  2. Appending
  3. Modification
  4. Alteration

19. Which amongst this is not a jump statement

  1. For
  2. Goto
  3. Continue
  4. Break

20. A printer that employs steam in its print mechanism is called ……….. printer.

  1. Bubble jet
  2. Inkejet
  3. Laserjet
  4. Dot matrix

21. Mips is an unit of measuring …………………..

  1. Light
  2. Speed
  3. Storage
  4. All

22. Which of the following is an example of non-volatile memory

  1. Cache memory
  2. RAM
  3. ROM
  4. None of these

23. Bit stands for

  1. Binary information term
  2. Binary digit
  3. Binary tree
  4. Bivariate Theory

24. A program either talk or music, that is made available in digital format for automatic download over the internet is called a

  1. Wiki
  2. Broadcast
  3. Vodcast
  4. Blog

25. WWW stands for

  1. World Whole Web
  2. Wide World Web
  3. Web World Wide
  4. World Wide Web

26. What will be the shortcut key in windows to perform cut operation ?

  1. Ctrl +z
  2. Ctrl +x
  3. Ctrl +V
  4. Ctrl +C

27. A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document is called

  1. Anchor
  2. Hyperlink
  3. Reference
  4. URL

28. In computers, subtraction is generally carried out by.

  1. 9’s complement
  2. 10s complement
  3. 1’s complement
  4. 2’s complement

29. Bluetooth is an example of

  1. Personal Area Network
  2. Local Area Network
  3. Virtual Private Network
  4. Wide Area Network

30. What is an operating system?

  1. Collection of programs that manages hardware resources
  2. System service provider to the application programs
  3. Interface between the hardware and application programs
  4. All of the mentioned

31. The following box denotes?

  1. Decision
  2. Initiation
  3. Initialization
  4. I/O

32. Which is not in MS word?

  1. Italic
  2. Magic tool
  3. Font
  4. Bold

33. Press ………… to open the help window in MS word document

  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F9
  4. F11

34. The default page orientation is

  1. Landscape
  2. Long sides
  3. Portrait
  4. Double long side

35. Functions in MS Excel must being with

  1. ()
  2. =
  3. +
  4. > 

36. Special effects used to introduce slides in a pre3sentation are known as

  1. Transitions
  2. Effects
  3. Custom animations
  4. Annotations

37. Which key can be used to view Slide show?

  1. F5
  2. F2
  3. F7
  4. F9

38. Which command lists the contents of current directory of a disk?

  1. Copy
  2. Tree
  3. CD
  4. Dir

39. A computer on internet are identified by ?

  1. E-mail address
  2. Street address
  3. IP address
  4. None of these

40. Types of computer Graphics are

  1. Raster and Vector
  2. Scalar and Raster
  3. Vector and Scalar
  4. None of these

41. In internet terminology, IP means

  1. Internet provider
  2. Internet protocol
  3. Internet procedure
  4. Internet Processor

42. The hexadecimal number system has a base of

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 8
  4. 16

43. A unit of a computer system that interprets instructions and executes them is known as

  1. Processor
  2. Memory
  3. Compiler
  4. Programmer

44. Text editor that is the part of windows operating system is

  1. Wordpad
  2. Notepad
  3. Photoshop
  4. MS Word

45. The main memory of the computer

  1. Controls the operations of computer
  2. Performs data processing functions
  3. Stores data and programs
  4. None of these

46. Computer is a

  1. Hardware
  2. Software
  3. Virtual ware
  4. Bioware

47. What is the full form of DVD

  1. Digital video disk
  2. Digital versatile disk
  3. Drum video disk
  4. Default video disk

48. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

  1. Tracks per inch of surface
  2. Bits per inch of tracks
  3. Disk pack in disk surface
  4. All of these

49. A hybrid computer

  1. Resembles digital computer
  2. Resembles analogue computer
  3. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
  4. None of these

50. Which of the following is not an impact printer?

  1. Dot matrix printer
  2. Line printer
  3. Daisy wheel printer
  4. Ink- Jet printer

51. Which of the following is the type of the RAM

  1. SRAM
  2. ARAM
  3. PRAM
  4. BRAM

52. Which of the following is not the Biometric input method?

  1. Voice Recognition
  2. Face recognition
  3. Finger Recognition
  4. Age recognition

53. A graphical representation of programme is called

  1. Flow char
  2. Algorithm
  3. Process chart
  4. Graph chart

54. What is the full form of URL?

  1. Uniform resource locator
  2. Unique relative location
  3. Unique Resource location
  4. Uniform relative locator

55. A software programme that is necessary in order to view web pages is called?

  1. Web viewer
  2. Browser
  3. Navigator
  4. Explorer

56. Which of the following is not the networking protocol

  1. HTTP
  2. FTP
  3. SMTP
  4. ATP

57. What is the full form of VIRUS

  1. Vital information resources under siege
  2. Very important resources under siege
  3. Vital information resources unsecure
  4. Very important region unsecure

58. Every formula will start in the MS excel with which symbol?

  1. = (Answer)
  2. &
  3. *
  4. #

59. Which of the following input device enable video conference?

  1. Microphone
  2. Digital camera
  3. Web cam
  4. Voice recognition

60. Which of the following is correct format of Email address

  1. Abc @ gov@ net

61. Which day is observed as the Constitution Day

  1. 26th November
  2. 26th December
  3. 15th January
  4. 15th October

62. Which is the highest mountain peak in India

  1. K2
  2. Nanda Devi
  3. Everest
  4. Kanchenjunga

63. Hirakund, the longest earthen dam is built on the river……………………….

  1. Mahanadi
  2. Kavari
  3. Godavari
  4. Krishna

64. Who was the first Deputy Minister of India

  1. Guljari Lal Nanda
  2. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  3. Devi Lal
  4. Lal Bahadur Shastri

65. Which city is also called Silicon Valley of India

  1. Bengaluru
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Chennai
  4. Kolkata

66. Himachal Pradesh became of full fledged state on ?……

  1. 15th April 1967
  2. 15th April 1971
  3. 25th January 1969
  4. 25th January 1971

67. Bonsai is a ……………………………… art of growing miniature plants.

  1. Chinese
  2. Japanese
  3. American
  4. India

68. With which country India shares maximum length of border

  1. China
  2. Nepal
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Pakistan

69. Which state in India did organize first e- lok adalat?

  1. Madhya Pradesh
  2. Chhattisgarh
  3. Kerala
  4. Maharashtra

70. In which state /UT did India’s first snow leopard conservation came up?

  1. Uttarakhand
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Sikkim
  4. Ladakh

71. Atal tinkering labs for schools were launched by

  1. Ministry of Education
  2. NITI Aayog
  3. Ministry of Science and Technology
  4. Ministry of Skills

72. Among the following , which country is not a member of ASEAN

  1. India
  2. Myanmar
  3. Indonesia
  4. Thailand

73. Where is the Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam island situated

  1. Sriharikota
  2. Thumba
  3. Balasore
  4. Thiruvananthapuram

74. Anil ranks 7th from the top, and 26th from the bottom in a class. How many students are there in the class?

  1. 31
  2. 32
  3. 33
  4. 34

75. Which disease can be cured with multidrug therapy?

  1. Tuberculosis
  2. HIV
  3. Polio
  4. Leprosy

76. Fill the correct form of verb

  1. Called
  2. Had called
  3. Has called
  4. Calls

77. Fill in the blank :

Active: I am to finish this work.

Passive : This work ……… by me.

  1. Was to be finished
  2. Will be finished
  3. Is to be finished
  4. finished

78. Fill in the blank with correct option :

Kavita said, “I have been on holidays”

Kavita said that she ……………on holidays

  1. has been
  2. was
  3. had been
  4. had

79. Chose the word that is similar in meaning to ‘humility’?

  1. Modesty
  2. Pride
  3. Arrogance
  4. Vanity

80. The word ‘favourite’ in : ‘This is my favourite book’ is a/an :

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Adjective
  4. Preposition

81. जो बहुत बोलता हो

  1. वाचाल
  2. वाक्पटु
  3. वाक्चतुर
  4. बहुभाषी

82. ‘निराशाशब्द का सही संधि विछेद है

  1. निरा + आशा
  2. नीर + आशा
  3. नी: + आशा
  4. : + आशा

83. ‘शास्वतका विलोम है

  1. सदैव
  2. अनश्वर
  3. नश्वर
  4. राश्यमय

84. इस मुहावरे का जो सही अर्थ हो , उसे िंगी कीजिये : आते दाल का भाव मालूम होना

  1. बाजार जाना
  2. व्यापर करना
  3. भोजन की वय्वस्ता
  4. वास्तविकता का ज्ञान होना

85. ‘का उच्चारण स्थान क्या है

  1. कंठ
  2. मूर्धा
  3. दन्त
  4. ओष्ठ


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